Building Access for Alumni, Neighbors, and Non-Macalester Community Members


Macalester College alumni and community members are eligible to have access to the Library building. They may access the Library building from opening until 8 pm each evening so that we can prioritize Macalester Students’ use of our space and resources. View hours for the Macalester Library before visiting as hours may vary.

Alumni and community members will need to register for an ID card to have access to the building. A fee of $25 will be charged to offset the cost of the card creation and delivery. Once you have obtained your new ID card, if you wish to be able to check out items from the Macalester Library collection please stop by the Library Service Desk to set up your account.*

Macalester alumni and community members may:

  • Check out up to ten items at a time.

  • Borrow books for six weeks.

  • Borrow sound recordings and DVDs for one week.

  • Renew books, unless another patron has placed a hold on an item or the item has reached maximum renewals (two).

  • View and renew items currently checked out with your Macalester WorldCat Discovery account.

Recalled items must be returned immediately.

Alumni and community members may not check out equipment or reserve items, and do not have ILL privileges.

For information on how to view your Macalester library account page, with information on what items you have checked out, please refer to our Community Member and Alumni Library Account FAQ.

*Please note:

  • Graduating seniors receive one free year of access to the library and the Leonard Center, and may continue to use their existing student ID cards during that year.

  • A paid-for Leonard Center membership and ID card will grant access to the library building.


  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2023
  • Views 543
  • Answered By

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