Using Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan (ILL) refers to the sharing of resources between libraries.
All current Macalester College students, staff, and faculty may request scans of articles or book chapters held in other libraries. Physical items may be requested for on-campus library pickup.
The average turnaround time is 6 days for books but often less as the majority of items are available from libraries within the Twin Cities. Please allow us enough time to process your request. You will be notified as soon as your item has arrived and is available for pickup at the library service desk. Electronic articles will be delivered directly to your ILLiad account.
There are currently over 500 institutions in our network of partner libraries. We will search for ILL items in all of these libraries, contacting locations closest to Mac first and then expanding the search outward. Our partner libraries belong to the following consortiums: Minitex, Oberlin and RapidILL as well as the Center for Research Libraries and Linda Hall Libraries.
We will search beyond these libraries for faculty/staff and students working on their capstone, honors or special projects (as approved by reference librarians or faculty).
For more information, consult our Interlibrary Loan Library Guide.