Using LibKey to Find and Link to Scholarly Articles

The library provides access to the following tools to help you find and link to scholarly articles:

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to full text articles on the web. LibKey Nomad:

  • Shows you when articles are available to you through Macalester Library
  • Works on publisher websites, PubMed, and Wikipedia
  • Is currently available for the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi

LibKey Nomad does not require users to create an account. For more about LibKey's privacy policy, visit the Third Iron privacy policy page.


Setting Up and Using LibKey Nomad

  1. Go to the Download LibKey Nomad website.
  2. Click on the icon for your browser of choice and follow the prompts to add the extension.
  3. Choose Macalester College as your organization.

Screenshot of LibKey Nomad Select Organization page

Once you have set up the extension, a LibKey Nomad button will appear on websites anytime there is an article citation with either a DOI or PMID. Clicking on the button will link you to the full text if it is available. If we don't have access to the full text through our collections, it will take you to the page where you can request the article via ILL.

If you have a DOI or PMID for an article, you can quickly look up our access to it using The URL is also a permalink that you can share.

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID


  • Last Updated Nov 06, 2024
  • Views 106
  • Answered By Katherine Fish

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