Checking Out Library Materials


There are a couple of different ways you can check out an item from the Macalester library.

If you'd like to find the item yourself, you can follow these steps:

  1. If you have a specific title or material in mind, use the Worldcat Discovery search box on the library website to search for the item.
  2. The record for the item will contain its call number and location in the library. For more information about call numbers, see Finding Macalester-Held Library Items.
  3. Once you know where the item is, you can retrieve it and bring it to the Library Service Desk, where we will check it out for you! 

If you'd like to have one of our student workers grab the item for you to pick up later, you can click the orange Request button on the right-hand side of the Worldcat Discovery screen to place the item "on hold." See Placing Holds on Materials at the Mac Library for more information.

For information on loan policies, such as how many books you can check out or how long you can check out an item, you can read through our circulation policy page



  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2023
  • Views 395
  • Answered By Madisen Egan

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